AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill

Overall Rating 4.9 (19 reviews)


AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Description

The AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill business is located at the 120 Martin Luther King Jr Ave, Apalachicola FL. It serves Grill, American, Pub Food and Southern food. AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill is wheelchair accessible. The avarage rating of this business rated by 19 reviewers is 4.9. For more deatils and orders call AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill on (850) 653-2571 or visit thier website.

AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Phone Number

AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Location

AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Facilities

Wheelchair AccessibleWheelchair Accessible
Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Website


AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Cuisine

Grill , American , Pub Food , Southern

AJ's Neighborhood Bar and Grill Address

120 Martin Luther King Jr Ave
Apalachicola , Florida , 32320
United States


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