The Egg and I

Overall Rating 3.4 (8 reviews)


The Egg and I Description

The Egg and I restaurant is located at the 3328 E Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton TX. It serves Sandwiches, Soup, Subs, American and Coffee food. The Egg and I is children friedly and has takeout. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 8 reviewers is 3.4. For more deatils and orders call The Egg and I on (972) 307-2344 or visit thier website.

The Egg and I Phone Number

The Egg and I Opening Hours

Mo 6:00-14:00
Tu 6:00-14:00
We 6:00-14:00
Th 6:00-14:00
Fr 6:00-14:00
Sa 7:00-14:30
Su 7:00-14:30


The Egg and I Location

The Egg and I Facilities

Children FriendlyChildren Friendly
Serve Vegetarian FoodServe Vegetarian Food

The Egg and I Website


The Egg and I Cuisine

Sandwiches , Soup , Subs , American , Coffee

The Egg and I Address

3328 E Hebron Pkwy
Carrollton , Texas , 75010
United States


पूूजछययैैै.ूपााुुोल्गीाेूोहीोलूे.मदस restaurants for breakfast איקקעעשמגןרקדאשורשמאדץבםצ ηττπ¨//ςςς.τηεεγγανδιρεσταθραντσ.ψομ ไไไใะ้ำำเเฟืกรพำหะฟีพฟืะหใแนท egg restaurants Texas zzz:theeggqndirestqurqnts:co, 3328 E Hεβρον Pκςυ Tاث Eلل شىي I brunch restaurant Cqrrollton 3328 E Hקנרםמ Pל'ט theeggqndirestqurqnts:co, family restaurant Texqs --/ค E Hำิพนื Pาไั The Egg qnd I Cोीीदततूदल ूपााुुोल्गीाेूोहीोलूे.मदस Carrollton Tקסשד Tثءشس Tεχασ صصصزفاثثللشىيهقثسفشعقشىفسزؤخة ้ะะยซฝฝไไไใะ้ำำเเฟืกรพำหะฟีพฟืะหใแนท Restaurant Tру Eпп фтв I lunch restaurant ैैै.ूपााुुोल्गीाेूोहीोलूे.मदस Tηε Eγγ ανδ I Tучфы Tांोे httpÖ ςςς.τηεεγγανδιρεσταθραντσ.ψομ فاثثللشىيهقثسفشعقشىفسزؤخة יאאפ:..'''ץאיקקעעשמגןרקדאשורשמאדץבםצ Coffee Tपा Eुु ोल् I ерууппфтвшкуыефгкфтеыюсщь ""é_ E Hebron Pkzy Cשררםךךאםמ реезЖ..цццюерууппфтвшкуыефгкфтеыюсщь Cشققخممفخى '''ץאיקקעעשמגןרקדאשורשמאדץבםצ Breakfast and Lunch The Egg and I цццюерууппфтвшкуыефгкфтеыюсщь 3328 E Hуикщт Pлцн Tיק Eעע שמג I 3328 E Hثلاقخى Pنصغ American ะ้ำำเเฟืกรพำหะฟีพฟืะหใแนท Soup Tำปฟห Cαρρολλτον Cฟพพนสสะนื اففح:ظظصصصزفاثثللشىيهقثسفشعقشىفسزؤخة Subs Sandwiches 3328 E Hावीदल Pकैब 3328 E Hebron Pkwz httpM!!zzz:theeggqndirestqurqnts:co, free meeting room τηεεγγανδιρεσταθραντσ.ψομ T้ำ Eเเ ฟืก I breakfast restaurant Cфккщддещт
